Table Of Contents




Chapter One: The Journey Begins: April 1943-May 1944............................................27

Chapter Two: Invasion!: D-Day and War in the European Theatre: ..........................43
June 1944-November 1944

Chapter Three: The Battle of the Bulge: December 1944-February 1945 ..................58

Chapter Four: To Berlin!: The River Wars: March 1945-April 1945 .............................75

Chapter Five: The Collapse of the Third Reich: May 1945-December 1945 ..............106

©1996-2024: Christopher E. Mauriello, Ph.D., Roland J. Regan, Jr., J.D., and Purdue University Press. Reproduction of any-and-all images and/or text without first obtaining the express written permission of the author's and publisher herein is prohibited. Furthermore, any use of the trademark “From Boston to Berlin” in any form and use of either website address “bostontoberlin.org” and/or “bostontoberlin.com” are prohibited without first receiving, in writing, a formal release and permission from the trademark and website address owner by emailing: FromBostonToBerlin@gmail.com.